In Word 2013 or Word 2016, press Ctrl + H. In Word 2016 for Mac, on the Edit menu, click Find Advanced Find and Replace. In the Find and Replace dialog box, click the Replace tab. In the Find what box, enter either ^f for footnote or ^e for endnote. Mar 20, 2020 Highlight any EndNote item(s) and click 'Enable.' For Mac Users. If you are using Word 2011, make sure you have installed EndNote x9 on your computer. If EndNote x9 menu didn’t appear under Tools, do the followings: Open EndNote and select Customizer from the EndNote menu. Check the box in front of the Cite While You Write option. Mar 13, 2017 Thankfully, Microsoft Word 2016 for Windows has a number of 'reference' features that make it easy to quickly insert footnotes and endnotes. How (and when) to use Microsoft Word.
Both footnotes and endnotes in Word 2016 contain bonus information, a clarification, or an aside to supplement text on a page. Each is marked by a superscripted number or letter in the text1.
1 See? It works!
The difference between a footnote and an endnote is in the placement: A footnote appears on the bottom of the page and an endnote appears at the end of a document. Otherwise, both references are created in a similar way:
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Click the mouse so that the insertion pointer is to the immediate right of a word or text that you want the footnote or endnote to reference.
There’s no need to type the note’s number; it’s done automatically.
Click the References tab.
From the Footnotes group, choose either the Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote command button.
A superscripted number is inserted into the text, and you’re instantly whisked to the bottom of the page (footnote) or the end of the document (endnote).
Type the footnote or endnote.
To return to where you were in the document, press Shift+F5.
The Shift+F5 keyboard shortcut returns to the previous spot in your document where you were editing.
Here are some footnote endnote notes:
The keyboard shortcut for inserting a footnote is Alt+Ctrl+F.
The keyboard shortcut for inserting an endnote is Atl+Ctrl+D.
If you’re curious, you’ll want to know that the keyboard shortcut Alt+Ctrl+E enables and disables Word’s Revision Marks feature.
The footnote and endnote numbers are updated automatically so that all footnotes and endnotes are sequential in your document.
To browse footnotes and endnotes, click the References tab. In the Footnotes group, use the Next Footnote button’s menu to browse between footnote and endnote references.
You can preview a footnote’s or endnote’s contents by hovering the mouse pointer at the superscripted number in the document’s text.
Use the Show Notes button (References tab, Footnotes group) to examine footnotes or endnotes as they appear on the page.
To delete a footnote or an endnote, highlight its reference number in the text and press the Delete key. Word magically renumbers any remaining footnotes or endnotes.
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To convert a footnote to an endnote, right-click the footnote’s text at the bottom of the page. Choose the command Convert to Endnote. Likewise, you can convert endnotes to footnotes by right-clicking the endnote text and choosing the command Convert to Footnote.
For additional control over footnotes and endnotes, click the dialog box launcher button in the Footnotes group. Use the Footnote and Endnote dialog box to customize the reference text location, format, starting number, and other options.
Whether you're writing a report that needs references to other sources, doing research for the next great Hemingway-esque novel, or just creating a printed list to organize and navigate your ridiculous collection of vintage hats — with references to where you purchased them, as well as outfit pairing suggestions — Microsoft Word 2016 for Windows has a number of 'reference' features that make it easy to insert footnotes and endnotes quickly.
Before getting into the tutorial, a definition of 'footnote' could be useful, to help explain when and where you want to use them. Here's a definition, from
Here's how to add a footnote in Word 2016 for Windows:
Click the References tab at the top of your Word display. (It's the seventh tab in from the left.)
Click the tiny box in the bottom-right corner of the Footnotes tab, to customize your footnote settings. (The box looks like an arrow pointed down and to the right at a 45-degree angle.)
When you're ready to insert your first footnote, again make sure your cursor is in the proper position on the page, and in the Footnotes box, within the References tab, hit Insert Footnote.
What exactly is an 'endnote,' and when should you use one? From
a note, as of explanation, emendation, or the like, added at the end of an article, chapter, etc.
So while footnotes are used to provide quick, as-you-go information throughout a document, and endnote should be used to provide pertinent information at the finish, or 'end,' of a document, to provide some sort of context or conclusion, not unlike a form of written punctuation.
Here's how to add endnotes in Word 2016:
Click the tiny box in the bottom-right corner of the Footnotes tab, to customize your endnote settings. (The box looks like an arrow pointed down and to the right at a 45-degree angle.)
When you're ready to insert an endnote, again make sure your cursor is in the proper position on the page, and in the Footnotes box, within the References tab, hit the Insert Endnote button.
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Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10X and Surface Neo products may not be shipping in time for the holiday after all, according to a new report from ZDNet's Mary-Jo Foley. This means that other Windows 10X devices from third-party manufactures also won't be launching at the end of this year like originally planned. Microsoft's dual-screen Windows 10X effort has been put on pause.